Catalan songs with translations RUSSIAN TRANSLATIONS FIND HERE





Pregaria o Lo cant de l'ànima a la Verge (Prayer or The Chant of the soul to the Virgin)

Music by Fermin Maria Alvarez
Lyrics by Victor Balaguer
from his work "Lo romiatge de mon anima"

Déu nos salve, Maria, Reyna y Mare
dolsura y vida y esperansa nostra,
à vos pregàm los desterrats fills d'Eva
Misericordia ! Misericordia ! Misericordia !

A vos, Senyora, la sacra Verge,
l'amoroseta, la llum dels cels,
la moreneta de la montanya,
Reina dels angels, Mare de Déu

A vos Senyora, mon cor, mos somnis,
mas esperansas, mos pensaments,
tot quant ma vida ne tè de vida,
tot quant mon ànima ne tè de fé.

Quan per mi vinga l'hora suprema,
Reina dels angels, lliri del cel,
f'eu que a las horas, Santa Madona,
ansque'ls ulls clogue per sempre mès,
f'eu que jo veje voltats de gloria
y en mitj de nuvols d'or y d'encens
los tres grans àngels que de ma vida
sigueren sempre companys fa els,
los meus tres ùnichs companys fa els:
l'Amor dolsissim,
la mare Patria
la mare Patria
la Santa Fé
la Santa Fé.

God save us, Maria, Queen and Mother,
Sweetness and life, and our hope,
We pray to you, unhappy Eva's children.
Have mercy on us!

Our Lady, holy Virgin,
Loving, Heaven's light,
Swarty lady of the mountains (1),
Queen of angels, Mother of God,

Our Lady, Thine is my heart, my dreams,
My hopes, my thoughts,
All life that my life has,
All faith that is in my soul.

When my last hour comes,
Queen of Angels, Lily of Heavens,
Holy Madona, make that when
My eyes close forever
I see the light of glory,
And in the midst of clouds of gold and incence
The three great angels who all my life
had been my companions,
my three marvelous companions:
The sweetest Love,
The Motherland,
The Holy Faith.

Translation: Ghislaine Antoine and Maria Kozlova

(1) "La Moreneta" is what Catalans call the wooden statue of God's Mother in the Montserrat cloister, because the wood it was made of darkened with time.

Poem by H.C. Andersen
Music by Edward Grieg

Tu ets del meu cor
la imatge preferida,
tu ets del meu cor
el goig ms ben amat.

T'estimo ms
que tot lo d'eixa terra,
t'estimo s cert,
i per l'eternitat.

Jo penso amb tu
i sols per tu s ma pensa.
Tan sols a tu
el meu cor s consagrat.

Tan cert com Du
regeix la terra immensa,
T'estimo amb fe
i per l'eternitat.

You are my heart's
best-loved image.
You are my heart's
dearest joy.

I love you more
than anything on this earth,
I love you surely
and for eternity.

I think of you,
All my thoughts are about you.
To you alone

my heart is consecrated.

As surely as God
reigns this immense earth
I love you dearly


Al veure despuntar
el major lluminar
en la Nit més joiosa,
els ocellets cantant
a festejar-lo van
amb sa veu melindrosa.

L'ocell rei de l'espai
va pels aires volant
cantant amb melodia,
dient: Jesús és nat,
per treure'ns del pecat
i dar-nos alegria.

When they see breaking
the greatest light
on the most joyous Night,
the little birds singing
go to serenade it
with their dainty voices.

The bird, the king of space,
goes flying through the skies
singing with melody,
saying: Jesus is born
do draw us out of sin
and bring joy.UP


Quan jo n'era petitet
festejava i presumia,
espardenya blabca al peu
i mocador a la falsia.

Adéu, clavell morenet!
Adéu, estrella del dia!

I ara, que ja en sóc grandet,
m'he posat a mala vida.
m'he posat a robar,
ofici de cada dia.

Adéu, clavell morenet!
Adéu, estrella del dia!

Quan he tingut prous diners
he robat també una nina:
l'he robada amb falsedat,
dient que m'hi casaria.

Adéu, clavell morenet!
Adéu, estrella del dia!

When I was small
I courted and presumed,
white sandals on my feet
and kerchief in my pocket.

Farewell, little brown carnation!
Farewell, star of the day!

And now that I'm older,
I've gone over to a bad life.
I've become a robber,
the trade of every day.

Farewell, little brown carnation!
Farewell, star of the day!

When I had enough money
I also stole a girl:
I stole her with a lie,
Promising to marry her.

Farewell, little brown carnation!
Farewell, star of the day!UP


Malalta está, malalta,
la filla del bon rei.
Comtes la van a veure
comtes i noble gent.

Ai, que el meu cor s'em nua
com um pom de clavells.

També he va sa mare
quan ja no hi ha remei.
Filla, la meva filla,
de quin mal us queixey?

Ai, que el meu cor s'em nua
com um pom de clavells.

Mare, la meva mare,
bé prou que ho sabeu,
metzines m'heu donades
que em nuen el cor meu.

Ai, que el meu cor s'em nua
com um pom de clavells.

Sick she is, sick,
the good king's daughter.
Counts come to see her,
counts and nobility.

Alas, my heart is knotted up
like a bouquet of carnations.

Her mother also goes there
When there is nothing more do be done,
Daughter, my daughter,
of what sorrow do you complain?

Alas, my heart is knotted up
like a bouquet of carnations.

Mother, my mother,
you know well enough,
you've given me poisons
which are trying my heart in knots.

Alas, my heart is knotted up
like a bouquet of carnations. UP

Poem by Josep Mª Sagarra
Music by Josep Font i Parera

Fa una lluna clare i una nit serena
Jo m'estic a la plaça de sant Joan
damunt les finestres cau la lluna plena
cau damunt la pica que la fa brillant.

Aquesta plaça és tota recollida,
tan aquietadora i tan suau,
que sembla un replaner d'una altra vida
on s'anés a abeurar-hi un glop de pau.

Jo no sé pas per què jo aquí voldria
estar-hi llarga estona quietament,
amb una noia sols per companyia
sens besar-la ni dir-li cap lament.

Veure el tresor que d'aquí estant s'obira
sense esflorar-li el seu cabell gentil,
sols sentir-la a la vora com respira...
I respirar aquest aire tan tranquil.

The moon is bright and the night is calm.
I am in St.John's Square;
the full moon falls on the windows,
falls on the pool which makes it shine.

This place is all closed in upon itself,
So quieting, so mild
that it seems interposed from another life
where one might go to drink a draught of peace.

I don't know why I would like
to stay here a long time,
with just a girl for company
without kissing her or telling her my woes.

To spy the treasure here revealed
without dishevelling her elegant hair,
only to hear her near me as she breathes...
And to breathe this tranquil air. UP

Poem by M. Poal Aragall
Mysic by Josep Ribas

Amb la llum del teu mirar,
has omplert la meva vida.
Si em volguessis estimar,
ma illusió fora complida,
i viuria tan content
que en mom rostre s'hi veuria
a la llum del'argaïment.
I a tothora et cantaria
una cançó pels teus ulls
que jo mateix et faria;
una cançó pels teus ulls
perqué enmig de tants esculls
fossin ells la meva guia.

Rosó, Rosó llum de la meva vida,
Rosó, Rosó, no desfacis ma illusió.

Presoner en tots moments
de la teva veu tan clara,
que allunya els mals pensaments
i la bondat sols ampara,
perquè és fresca i és suau
i és un doll de poesia
i s'assembla a n'el cel blau
que al cor ens dóna alegria.
Doncs ja que'm tens presoner
un dia i un altre dia,
i jo m'hi trobo tant bé
Roser la meva Roser
vulgues fer-me companyia.

Rosó, Rosó llum de la meva vida,
Rosó, Rosó, no desfacis ma illusió.

With the light of your glance,
you have filled my life.
If you were to love me,
my hope would be fulfilled,
and I would live so happily
that in my face they would see
the light of gratitude.
And I would always sing
for you a song to your eyes
that I myself would compose;
a song to your eyes,
because amid so many pitfalls
they would be my guide.

Roso, Roso, light of my life,
Roso, Roso, don't undo my hopes.

Forever a prisoner of your voice
so clear
that carries evil thoughts away
and goodness only shelters,
being young and soft to the ear,
an outpour of poetry;
a mirror of the blue sky
that brings joy to our hearts.
Thus, since you already hold me captive
one day after another,
and I feel here at such ease,
oh Roser, my Roser,
why won't you keep me company.

Roso, Roso, light of my life,
Roso, Roso, don't undo my hopes. UP

Music and text by Apell les Mestres

A la taverna d'en Mallol!
s'hi riu i plagueja;
a la taverna d'en Mallol!
molts hi entren amb lluna
i en surten amb sol.

A la taverna d'en Mallol
s'hi beu i s'hi juga;
a la taverna d'em Mallol
dels diners que hi entren
no se'n torna un sol.

A la taverna d'en Mallol
s'hi canta i s'hi balla;
A la taverna d'en Mallol
tal hi entra donzella
i en surt com Déu vol.

A la taverna d'en Mallol
hi ha hagut punyalades
A la taverna d'en Mallol
diuen qu'eren quatre
contra un home sol.

A la taverna d'en Mallol
no toi són rialles;
A la taverna d'en Mallol
han tancat les portes
en senyal de dol.

At the tavern of Mallol
they laugh and joke there.
At the tavern of Mallol
many enter with moonlight
an come out with the sun.

At the tavern of Mallol
they drink and they play.
At the tavern of Mallol
of the coins that go in
none ever comes out again.

At the tavern of Mallol
they sing and they dance there.
At the tavern of Mallol
a maiden may happen to enter
and she comes out as God wills.

At the tavern of Mallol
there have been stabbings.
At the tavern of Mallol
they say there were four of them
agains just one man.

At the tavern of Mallol
not all is laughter:
At the tavern of Mallol
they've closed the doors
as a sign of mourning. UP


Quina cançó cantarem
que tots la sapiguem,
la dels contrabandistes,
a Banyuls varen anar
de tabac a carregar
tota una companyia.

En passar per Fortià
però, es varen topar
amb la refumuda espia
que a Figueres s'en va anar
a contar ho al capità
n'he vist contrabandistes.

El capità va cridant:
Minyons au andavant
anem a perseguir-los.
Ja m'en direu quants n'hi ha
ja m'en direu quants n'hi ha
vos que ja els haveu vistos.

What song shall we sing
that all of us know?
The song of the smugglers,
they went to Banyuls
to load tobacco
a whole company.

And passing by Fortià
there they met with
the cursed spy.
And he went off to Figueres
to tell it all to the captain,
that he had seen smuggler.

The captain cried,
Come on now, my lads,
Let's be off after them,
Well, you'll tell me how many there are,
well, you'll tell me how many there are,
you who've seen all of them. UP


Què li darem a n'el Noi de la Mare?
què le darem que li sàpiga bo?

Li darem panses amb unes balances,
li darem figues amb um paneró.

Què li darem al Fillet de Maria?
Què li darem al formòs Infantó?

Panses i figues i nous i olives,
Panses i figues i mel i mató.

Tam, pa, tam, tam que les figues són verdes,
tam, pa, tam, tam, que ja maduraran;
sin no maduren el dia de Pasqua,
maduraran el dia del Ram.

What shall we give to the Boy of the Mother?
What shall we give that he would like?

We'll give him raising and a scale,
we'll give him figs in a big basket.

What shall we give the the little son of Mary?
What shall we give to the lovely infant boy?

Raising and figs and walnuts and olives,
raising and figs and honey with sweet cheese.

Tam, pa, tam, tam, but the figs are green.
tam, pa, tam, tam, but they'll soon be ripe.
If they're not ripe for Easter,
they'll be ripe for Palm Sunday. UP

Poem by Josep Janés
Music by Frederic Mompou

Damunt de tu, només les flors.
Eren com una ofrena blanca:
la llum que daven al teu cos,
mai més seria de la branca.

Tota una vida de perfum
amb el seu bes t'era donada.
Tu l'esquard clos atresorada.

Si hagués pogut ésser sospir
de flor! Donar-me com un llir
a tu, qer què la meva vida

S'anès marcin sobre el tey pit.
I no spber mai mès la nit
que al teu costat fora esvaïda.

Above you, nothing but flowers.
They were lika a white offering:
the light which they gave to your body
would never again belong to the branch.

A whole life of perfume
was given to you with their kiss.
You shone with the light
treasured in the enclosing gaze.

If only I could have been the sigh
of a flower! To give myself like a lily
to you, so that my life

might slowly fade away on your breast.
And never again to know the night
which would vanish by your side.UP

Poem by Josep Mª Sagarra

Perquè avui és Santa Llúcia
dia de l'any gloriós,
pels volts de la Plaça Nova
rondava amb la meva amor.

Anem tots dos a la fira,
amiga anem-hi de jorn,
que una mica de muntanya
alegri nostra tristor.

Comprarem grapats de molsa
i una enramada d'arboç
i una blanca molinera
i una ovella i un pastor.

Ho posarem a la migdia
dins el nostre nemjador
i abans de seure a la taula
ens ho mirarem tots dos;
que una mica de muntanya
ens faci el menjar mès dolç.

Perquè avui és Santa LLúcia
dia de l'any gloriós,
tals paraules m'acudien
quan he vist la meva amor.

Because today is St. Lucy's day,
glorious day of the year,
around the Plaça Nova
I went strolling with my love.

Let´s both go to the fair,
my friend, let's go there this morning,
for a little bit of mountain
will cheer up our sandess.

We'll buy handfuls of moss
and a garland of arbutus
and a white milleress
and a sheep and a shepherd.

We'll arrange it at midday
in our dining room
and before sitting down at the table
we'll both look at it;
for a little bit of mountain
will make our meal sweeter.

Because today is St. Lucy's day
glorious day of the year,
such words occured to me
when I saw my love.

Note: St. Lucy's day, December 6th, is the day of the Christmas crêche fair in Barcelona. UP

Poem by Josep Mª Sagarra

Terra qui floreix,
mar qui s'hi encanta,
suavíssim bleix
de vida triomfanta.

Pluges cristallines,
aigües reflexant
tendrors infantines
qui riuen brillant.

Claredat sonora,
núvol qui s'hi perd,
aura qui eixamora
la tendrot del verd.

Bordoneig suau
d'abelles, profunda,
silenciosa pau
d'una hora fecunda.

Món rejovenit,
amor que hi esclata,
deliciós oblit
de les nits de plara.

Quan el pleniluni,
de Maig, silenciós,
de qualque infortuni
sembla dir a les flors.

Earth coming into flower,
sea which enchants there,
softest gasp
of triumphant life.

Crystalline rains,
waters reflecting
infantine tendernesses
which laugh shining.

Sonorous brightness,
cloud losing itself,
breeze which dries up
the tenderness of the green.

Soft buzzing
of bees, deep,
silent peace
of a fruitful hour.

World made young again,
love which bursts out there,
sweet forgetfulness
of the silver nights.

When the full moon
of May, silent,
seems to speak to the flowers
of some misfortune. UP

Poem by Trinitat Catesús

Adéu, galant terra, adéu!
Adéu-siau, vinya verda,
flor seca del caminal
lledoner de bona ombreta.

Ja no m'assec al pedrís
ni m'abraça la riera.
Adéu, galant terra, adéu.

Les lloses d'aquell bancal
són ombrejades i fresques.
Els lledoners de la font
han tret una fulla tendra
i els ceps faran bon raïm
quan els oregi el setembre.
Adéu, galant terra, adéu.

Els ceps faran bon raïm
i llum viva les estrelles.
Vindran les nits de l'estiu,
la mar quieta i estesa
llambrant sota el cop dels rems,
tallada per la carena.

Vindran les nits de l'estiu,
la tardor i la primavera,
lel boitres que baixa el cim,
el crit de les orenetes.
I sempre el respir del mar
i el batec de les estrelles.

Adéu muntanya, pedrís,
paret blanca de l'església,
plata de les oliveres,
olor mullada dels horts,
estrella, riera, vela.
Adéu, galant terra, adéu.

Farewell, beautiful land, farewell!
Farewell, green vine,
dry flower of the land,
nettle tree that gives good shade.

I no longer sit on the stone bench
nor does the stream embrace me.
Farewell, beautiful land, farewell.

The flagstones of this seat
are shady and cool.
The nettle trees by the spring
have put out a tender leaf
and the vines will make good grapes
when the September wind blows on them.
Farewell, beautiful land, farewell.

The vines will make good wine
and the stars vivid light.
The summer nights will come,
the sea calm, spread out
sparkling under the strokes of the oars,
cut by the keel.

The summer nights will come,
the autumn and the spring,
the fogs sent down by the summit,
the cry of the swallows.
And always the breathing of the sea
and the hearbeat of the stars.

Farewell mountain, stone bench,
white wall of the church,
clear water of the spring,
silver of the olive trees,
moist scent of the garden plots,
star, stream, sail.
Farewell, beautiful land, farewell. UP

Poem by Joan Maragall

Sota les estrelles, d'espatlles al mar,
una galta, humida, fresca de serena,
una galta, suau i plena,
és ben dolça de basar.

Entres dos silencis, bes silenciós
com vares deixar-nos tremolant tots dos,
dins la nit quieta, amb deixos ardents
de la migdiada i dels terrals vents.

El reberes silenciosa,
mos llavis, dolços encar
te van preguntar una cosa
i tu no'm vas contestar.

Qué vaig pregunater-te?... sols recordo
el bes i que se sentia la plena mar alta,
Tu, tota caiguda, semblaves malalta...
Oh no hi tornaré mai més.

Però la flonja galta ruixada amb serena,
sota de ma boca, d'espatlles al mar;
però la xafogosa nit d'agost serena,
ai! com la podré oblidar?

Under the stars, backs turned to the sea,
a moist cheek, cool with night air,
a sofe, full cheek
is sweet to kiss.

Between two silences, silent kiss,
how you left both of us trembling,
in the quiet night, with the ardent savor
of the midday and the winds from the land.

You received it silently,
my lips, still sweet
asked you something
and you did not answer me.

What did I ask you?... I only remember
the kiss and that we heard the high full sea.
You, all pale, seemed ill...
Oh, I'll never go back there again.

But the pliant cheek moist with the night air
under my mouth, backs turned to the sea,
but the hot still August night,
alas! how can I forget it? UP

Poem by Tomás Garcès

De not matí se n'ha anat,
tot just despuntava el dia
i l'estrella de l'amor
era un brot de tarongina.
La rosada del matí
era un plor de pedres fines.
Dorm infant, que ton pare
n'és al camp a collir
menta florida.

Apartarà els esbarzers
quan el punxin les espines.
Espines, feu-vos enllà;
vine la menta florida.
Quan passa el seu vacall blanc
l'ocell tremola i refila.
Dorm infant, que ton pare
n'és al camp a collir
menta florida.

La selva s'aclairá,
que la lluna l'illumina.
l'herba florida fugia,

però es ulls del cavall blanc
en la fosca l'endevinen.
Dorm infant...

Dorm infant, que el son és dolç
i l'oratjol hi convida.
Demà, de bon matí,
ton pare serà a la llinda.
Que et trobi dintre el bressol
com una estrella adormida.
Dorm infant...

Early in the morning he went away
just as the day was breaking
and the love-star
was a sprig of orange blossom.
The dew of the morning
was a sobbing of small jewels.
Sleep, child, for your father
in the fields to gather
flowering mint.

He'll push aside the brambles
when the thorns prick him.
Thorns, go away,
let the flowering mint come.
When his white horse passes,
the bird trembles and trills.
Sleep, child, for your father
is in the fields to gather
flowering mint.

The wood will brighten
for the moon lights it.
Under the light of night
the flowering grasses fled,
but the eyes of the white horse
sense them in the dark.
Sleep, child...

Sleep, child, for sleep is sweet,
and the soft wind invites it.
Tomorrow, early in the morning,
your father will be home again.
Let him find you in the cradle
like a sleeping star.
Sleep, child... UP

Poem by Tomás Garcès

Adéu, turons de Marsella,
ja se'n van els mariners.
Tot just hem hissat la vela
es gira un oratge fresc.
Aquell pinar de la costa
deu ser ple de cants d'ocell;
si no sentim l'ocellada
ens duu romaní l'oreig.
Quin goig, de bon dematf,
sequir la darrera estrella:
no hi ha lliri sense flor
ni barco sense bandera.

Infla't vela, llisca, vela!
Com s'allunya la ciutat!
Guaita l'or clar de la platja
i a dalt de tot el cel clar.
Timoner, potser sospires?
L'enyorança t'ha punxat?
El gallaret llengoteja
i enjoia tota la nau.
Quin goig, cremant sobre els pals,
el gallaret de la festa:
no hi ha lliri sense flor
ni barco sense bandera.

Adéu, turons de Marsella!
Adéu, la noia i el pi!
No ens espanten les ventades
ni la boira de la nit.
Si el vent xiula entre les cordes,
demá el mar será ben llis.
A cada port ens espera,
amorós, un llavi fi.
Quin goig, tornant de la mar,
el petó d'una donzella:
no hi ha lliri sense flor
ni barco sense bandera.

Farewell, hills of Marseille,
the sailors are leaving now.
Just as we've hoisted the sail
a fresh breeze begins to blow.
That pine grove on the coast
must be full of birdsong.
although we don't hear the birds,
th breeze brings us rosemary.
What joy, early in the morning,
to follow the last star:
there is no lily without flower
or boat without banner.

Swell up, sail, glide, sail!
How the city is going away!
Look at the bright gold of the beach
and th clear sky above everything.
Steerman, are you sighing?
Has homesickness pierced you?
The flag flutters in the wind
and adorns the whole ship.
What joy, blazing over the masts,
the festive flag;
there is no lily without flower
or boat without banner.

Farewell, hills of Marseille!
Farewell, the girl and the pine!
We're not afraid of gusts of wind
of of the night fog.
If the wind whistles in the rigging,
tomorrow the sea will be smooth.
In every port there wait for us
lovingly delicat lips
What joy, coming back from the sea,
the kiss of a girl:
there is no lily without flower
or boat without banner.

Poem by Tomás Garcès

A l'ombra del lledoner
una fadrineta plora.
La tarda mor dalt del cim
i llisca per la rossola,
l'esfilagarsen els brucs,
la tenedra se l'emporta.

La noia plora d'enyor:
el lledoner no fa ombra.
Fadrina l'amor és lluny;
enllà, la carena fosca.
Si passava un cavaller...
Du el cavall blanc de la brida.

L'arbre li dóna repòs,
l'oratge, manyac, arriba.
Al cel la llum del estel
és la rosada del dia.
Cavaller, l'amor és lluny;
amb l'ombra i el cant fugia.

Fadrina, l'amor és lluny;
per l'ampla plana camina.
La mit sospira: la nit,
el bosc, la riera clara.
Les branques del lledoner
son fines i despullades;
fulla i ocell n'han fugit
però hi crema l'estelada.

Les branques del lledoner
son fines i despullades.
Fadrina, l'amor é lluny;
demana'l a punta d'alba
quan l'ombra del lledoner
s'allargui com un miracle.

In the shadow of the nettle tree,
a young girl is weeping.
The agternoon dies above the summit,
and glides along the slippery slope,
the heather wears it out,
the darkness carries it off.

The girl weeps with longing;
the nettle tree makes no shade.
Girl, love is far away;
beyond the dark ridge.
A knight passed by...
He leads the white horse with the briddle.

The tree gives him rest,
the meek breeze arrives there.
In the sky the light of the star
is the dew of the day.
Knight, love is far away;
with the shade and the song it fled.

Girl, love is far away;
it walks along the broad plain.
The night sighs: the night,
the forest, the bright stream.
The branches of the nettle tree
are fine and bare;
leaves and birds have fled
but the starlight blazes there.

The branches of the nettle tree
ara fine and bare.
Girl, love is far away;
ask for it at break of dawn
when the shadow of the nettle tree
grows long like a miracle.UP

Poem by Josep Carner

Per una vela en el mar blau
daria un ceptre,
per una vela en el mar blau
ceptre i palau.

Per l'ala lleu d'una virtut
mon goig daria
i el tros que em resta, mig romput
de joventut.

Per una flor de romaní
l'amor daria,
per una flor de romaní
l'amor doní.

For a sail in the blue sea
I would give a scepter,
fora sail in the blue sea
scepter and palace.

For the light wing of a virtue,
I would give my joy,
and what remains to me, half broken,
of youth.

For a flower of rosemary
I would give love
for a flower of rosemary
My love I gave.UP

Poem by Josep Carner

Aquest camí tan fi, tan fi,
qui spa on mena?
Es a la vila o és al pi
de la carena?
Un lliri blau, color de cel;
diu: vine, vine!
Però: no pasis! diu un vel
de teranyina.

Serà drecera del gosat,
rossola ingrata
o bé un camí d'enamorat,
colgat de mata?
Es un recer per a adormir
qui passa pena?
Aquest camí tan fi, tan fi,
qui sap on mena?

Qui sap si trist o somrient
acull al'hoste?
Qui sap si mor sobtadament
sota la brosta?
Qui sabrà mai aquest camí
a què em convida?
I és camí incert cada matí
n'és cada vida!

This road so narrow, so narrow,
who knows where it leads?
Is it to the town of to the pine
of the mountain ridge?
A blue lily, color of the sky,
says: come, come!
But do not enter! Saya a veil
of spiderweb.

Will it be a shortcut for the daring,
a slippery descent
or a road for lovers,
hidden in the bushes?
It is a shelter to bring sleep
to those who suffer?
This road so narrow, so narrow,
who knows where it leads?

Who knows whether sad or smiling
it welcomes the guest?
Who knows if it dies suddenly
under the foliage?
Who will ever know to what
this road invites me?
and every morning is an uncertain road
and so is every life! UP

Poem by Josep Mª Sagarra

Si ve l'abril tremolant
i el ventet que no reposa
i el perfum de Dijous Sant,
noia, no cullis la rosa;
passa cantant.

Si les trampes van picant,
si tenen vestits de festa
la geganta i el gegant,
noia, no llencis ginesta;
passa cantant.

Si la gent ploriquejant
camina amb la vista baixa,
si la Creu endavant,
noia, no guaitis la caixa;
passa cantant.

Si t'escomet un galant
tot tendresa tot deliris,
defallint i sospirant,
no l'escolltis ni t'el miris:
passa cantant.

Si una vella xiuxejant
t'augura una mala estrella
i et diu que se't marciran
aquesta aires de poncelìa
i aquesta galta tan bella
no durarà ni un instant
noia, riute'n de la vella;
passa cantant.

If trembling April comes
and the wind which doesn't rest
and the perfume of Holy Thursday,
girl, don't pick the rose:
pass by singing.

If the drummers on horseback go beating,
if you see in their festival dress
the giantess and th giant,
girl, don't throw flowers of broom:
pass by singing.

If the people whimpering
walk with their eyes cast down
if the Cross goes in front,
girl, don't watch the long box:
pass by singing.

If a gallant accosts you
all tenderness, all passion,
fainting and sighing,
girl, don't listen to him, don't look:
pass by singing.

If an old woman, whispering
foretells bad luck for you,
predicts the wilting
of your girlish grace,
and that the roses in your cheeks
will soon fade,
girl, just laugh at the old woman:
pass by singing. UP

* Music of songs by Eduard Toldrá
Translation: © 1990 Sony Music Entertainment (Spain)

PARAULES D'AMOR (PALABRAS DE AMOR) Letra y Musica de J.M. Serrat


Ella em va estimar tant... Jo me l'estimo encara.
Plegats vam travessar una porta tancada.
Ella, com us ho podre dir, era tot el meu mon llavors
quan en la llar cremaven nomes paraules d'amor...

Paraules d'amor senzilles i tendres.
No en sabiem mes, teniem quinze anys.
No haviem tingut massa temps per aprende'n,
tot just despertavem del son dels infants.
En teniem prou amb tres frases fetes
que haviem apres d'antics comediants.
D'histories d'amor, somnis de poetes,
no en sabiem mes, teniem quinze anys...

Ella qui sap on es,
ella qui sap on para.
La vaig perdre i mai mes
he tornat a trobar-la.
Pero sovint en fer-se fosc,
de lluny m'arriba una canco.
Velles notes, vells acords,
velles paraules d'amor...

Paraules d'amor senzilles i tendres.
No en sabiem mes, teniem quinze anys.
No haviem tingut massa temps per aprende'n,
tot just despertavem del son dels infants.
En teniem prou amb tres frases fetes
que haviem apres d'antics comediants.
D'histories d'amor, somnis de poetes,
no en sabiem mes, teniem quinze anys...


Ella me quiso tanto: Yo la quiero todavia.
Juntos atravesamos Una puerta cerrada.
Ella, como os lo diria, Era todo mi mundo entonces,
Cuando en la lumbre ardian Solo palabras de amor...

Palabras de amor sencillas y tiernas.
No sabiamos mas, teniamos quince anos.
No habiamos tenido demasiado tiempo para prenderlas,
Acababamos de despertar del sueno de los ninos.
Teniamos bastante con tres frases hechas
Que habiamos aprendido de antiguos comediantes.
De historias de amor, suenos de poetas,
No sabiamos mas, teniamos quince anos...

Ella, quien sabe donde esta,
Ella, quien sabe donde para.
La perdi y nunca mas
He vuelto a encontrarla.
Pero a menudo, al oscurecer,
De lejos me llega una cancion.
Viejas notas, viejos acordes,
Viejas palabras de amor...

Palabras de amor sencillas y tiernas.
No sabiamos mas, teniamos quince anos.
No habiamos tenido demasiado tiempo para aprenderlas,
Acababamos de despertar del sueno de los ninos.
Teniamos bastante con tres frases hechas
Que habiamos aprendido de antiguos comediantes.
De historias de amor, suenos de poetas,
No sabiamos mas, teniamos quince anos...UP



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